Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week 5 - September 22-26: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Monday: Hoover Library Visit

Tuesday: Read: The Complete Fairy Tales, “Snow White,” pp. 181-188
Report 7: S. Gilbert and S. Gubar, “The Queen’s Looking Glass,” in The Madwoman in the Attic, pp. 36-44. On Blackboard under Course Documents or On reserve in Hoover Library
Wednesday: Evening Film: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” Directed by Walt Disney, 1937 (84 minutes)
Thursday: Film: “DEFA Snow White” East German Production (60 minutes)
Read: Jack Zipes, “Breaking the Disney Spell,” In: Fairy Tale as Myth. Pp. 72-95 On Blackboard under Course Documents

Blog Entry 5: Compare the original tale by the Brothers Grimm with Disney’s film from 1937. Highlight a few differences and similarities. Why did Disney divert from the original version of the tale? What were the reasons? Consider the time when the film was made and also Walt Disney's own story. OR Compare the original tale by the Brothers Grimm with the GDR film version and the Disney film. Which one do you like the most? Why?   Blog is due by Sunday, September 27.

Paper 1 is due by Thursday, October 1.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 6 – September 29 - October 3: Snow White, Socialism and Feminism

Tuesday: Snow White, Socialism and Feminism

Report 8: Bruno Bettelheim, "The Jealous Queen in “Snow White” and the Myth of Oedipus” and “Snow White,” In: The Uses of Enchantment, pp. 194-215. On reserve in Hoover Library
Report 9: Marcia Lieberman: “Some Day My Prince Will Come” On Blackboard under Course Documents.
Wednesday: The Stepmother Motif
Read: Anne Sexton, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” On Blackboard/ Course Documents
Report 10: Maria Tatar, “From Nags to Witches: Stepmothers and Other Ogres,” In: The Hard Facts of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales, pp. pp. 137-155. On Blackboard/ Course Documents

Thursday: Preparation for Service Learning project – Groups and Ideas for the projects